Creative Interests Abound

Creative Interests Abound

(Originally written in 2020) After I went on my creative journey with wire wrapping, it opened up many other areas of interest.   Fun fact about me:  I went to school to be a Nail Technician a long long time ago!  I ended up not seeking any employment after graduating because I realized I was in it only for the art, not for any other reason.  I wanted to constantly create beautiful artsy nails, and only that.  Not any other requirements of the Nail Tech job.  

I continued on with my astrology studies and surrounded myself with crystals while I was raising my two young kids.  I never enjoyed the jobs I've had and so when I discovered wire wrapping and got really good at it, I knew I wanted to sell.  And I was able to set up my small business and wake up excited to create every day.

My love for interior decorating and design kicked in as well when we remodeled our first house, then as we moved into a new house that my husband built (he is a builder/general contractor) and yet again into our present dream house that he also built.  I started to refinish furniture by sanding and staining pieces (some quite large!) as well as interior decorating.

Along comes the candle infatuation.  I've always loved candles (what girl doesn't!) and suddenly I was overcome with the urge to make my own.   All it took was some time to research and really educate myself to understand fully the process and the kinds of wax and all the other details.  After making my purchases and melting my first batch, I was hooked.  Creativity sparked once again as I wanted to mix and match scents, colors and containers.  I was in love.

So our house is fully decorated with homemade candles, especially the office/library/studio.  The more I create, the more I create!  I love a nice, comfy atmosphere that smells good, looks good and makes me happy to wake up in the morning.  It makes it that much more fun to then create beautiful jewelry.